Wellcome to Expat Expert
The Expat Expert, a.k.a. Robin Pascoe and the author of the books above, has decided to retire! But this page still allows you to buy my books on-line. And at the bottom of this page are important links to international therapists, a survey I conducted, and my YouTube lectures based on my books. There is also a link to a fictional ‘blogella’ you may enjoy reading.
Books By Robin Pascoe
A Broad Abroad
The Expat Wife's Guide to Successful Living Abroad
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Raising Global Nomads
Parenting Abroad in an On-Demand World
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Homeward Bound
A Spouse's Guide to Repatriation Paperback
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DK Eyewitness Travel Guide
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A Moveable Marriage
Relocate Your Relationship without Breaking It
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Culture Shock! Successful Living Abroad
A Wife's Guide
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A Parent's Guide
(Culture Shock! Practical Guides)
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by Pascoe, Robin, Catling, Christopher Pap/Map Re Edition [Paperback(2011/2/21)]
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For the best site offering information for expat women and their families, no surprise that I suggest you look at ExpatWomen.com; for expat writers, there is no more comprehensive a source than JoParfitt.com; and finally, for general information about living abroad, my favourite site is ExpatFocus.com.
Thanks to everyone who has supported my work over the last 25 years.
Robin PascoeCheers and farewell,